oh well anyway tomorrow's gna be SAM and later on lunching with xiner kaying pufang yeeteng! ((:
right we'll see if the exhibition is nice yay! ^^
so yup photos tomorrow,
me and leongying camwhoring during choir break ahahah
tag replies for today
jiayekor?: emma i'm ur kor.
{omg and now you're my first kor .__. spastic you don't lame la haha, only bimbos have kors and dis and jies and meis =.=}
aShLeY: HeLl0x iM aShLeY n I tINkx KAIYING r0xxx ((:
{hell0x w0rhx, niice tuu mit euu ashleyy euu rilly damnn twiitx lerrhx. yarrhx lorrhx kaiiyiinqx r0ckks w0rhhx, muackkss! :DD}
ashley: -.- kaiying screw u.. -.-
{haahaha screw your half twit language first T.T don't do that le laaa, screws hahaha}
bel: HELLO! emma!
{HELLO! isabel! :DD}
elain: hello emma!

{hello elain! :DD}
happy birthday sheena and sunyu btw!
right okay wait for tmr/monday ba :D
i'm going to sleep now, big ulcers are irritating =/
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